Saturday, September 15, 2012

He's a Peach

        Some people find me difficult to deal with.  That’s fair.
        However, I actually disagree with the assessment.  I understand where people are coming from, because I have somewhat arbitrary personality rules that are unyielding.  But the thing is, they are rules and I don’t change them.  In a sense, my arbitrary rules aren’t arbitrary at all because they are consistent.  If you think of it that way, I’m actually an incredibly easy person to deal with because you know exactly what you’re getting into.
        Let’s be honest, 95% of the time I don’t care enough to make an argument.  My Give-A-Shit-A-Meter (patent pending) generally spikes somewhere between “eh” and “meh.”  So you are more than likely to get your way, and not by a small margin.  The problem is the 5% of the time that I do make a decision.  The decision is made, and it’s that simple.  No argument, your point of view doesn’t matter.  And that’s not fair.  Deal.
        If you need to get your way all the time, or just want someone to actually care about your opinion 100% of the time, then yes, I am difficult.  But that ain’t changing cupcake because again, I am difficult.