Monday, September 28, 2009

Old man and the CD

One of the ways I can tell that I'm getting older is because is because I am completely out of touch with the pop music scene. I don't mean that it no longer speaks to me and my generation like it used to or anything like that. To be honest, I'm amazed that anybody identifies with most of the drivel out there. I'm out of touch in that I don't know who anybody is anymore.
I was watching part of the rerun of MTV's Music Video Awards, which I assume were from this past year. I had know idea who to hate, which is an odd feeling. For those of you who know me, you know that being an asshole about these kinds of things is my schtick. Unfortunately, I'm so out of touch that I had know idea who anybody was and consequently don't know who to make fun of or what to make fun of them for. The joy is gone.
It was bound to happen someday, but I just never thought it would be so soon. Maybe I need to start watching more TV...


  1. Heh. This happened to me a long time ago. ;)

  2. Alas, older we get, but didn't you post a Katy Perry video?
