Sunday, July 25, 2010


I recently watched a television show with the commentary of two lead actors and the producer/writer. I’m sure you’ve seen this option in special features for shows and movies. It’s where they show the film and the filmmakers talk about the story or tell anecdotes about production. It’s the classic special feature that studios throw in for viewers to ignore. And I rarely have the patience for them, but for some reason popped one in. I had just viewed the episode, and thought I’d listen to the commentary while doing some cleaning, just for background.

Something odd struck me. Odd, because it’s something I’ve heard a thousand times but never really considered. It’s the idea of chemistry. The actors were talking about how they had just clicked, even during the audition period and how important that was to the success of the show. We most often hear the term “chemistry” when dealing with romantic leads, but it really is much broader. The hero must have chemistry with the villain, supporting characters with each other, the production and editors, etc. Every relationship in some ways relies on chemistry, since it helps the flow of communication.

What struck me about people having “chemistry” is how rarely I experience it. There are certain people I have an easier air with, because we simply understand each other. But for the most part my relationships require a more conscious effort. I’m far from inept, but I’m not exactly a social butterfly either. I can communicate with just about anybody; it’s how I make my living. However, it is an effort on my part to make it happen.

I wonder what it would be like to be on a team with chemistry, such as those actors on the stage. A group of musicians jamming on stage or a team of athletes in motion may feel the same way. Or even a single personal relationship, where talking is almost unnecessary because you already know…

It’s hard to say what would happen, or if I could even pull off that kind of thing. Relationships work when you work at them. Actors at rehearsal, musicians and athletes when the practice, there is always work to be done. So whether that chemistry is natural or earned (my bet is both,) I’ll be it can be spectacular. I’m just not sure if it’s something for me.

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