Monday, January 3, 2011


I don’t understand passionate atheists. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly understand atheism in a very general sense. What I don’t understand is how some people are ardent and motivated about their atheism.

I understand Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, et al wanting to spread their beliefs. You believe in God, you have a passion for your faith, you’ll want to share that. But atheism is the rejection of deities. How can you be passionate about not believing in something?

“I don’t believe in God.” Good deal, whatever. But that’s it, isn’t it? How does that conversation go further? Why do you have to justify it? Being emotional driven by a belief makes sense, I just don’t understand the drive for a disbelief.

The only way I can make sense of it is that the ardent atheists are more anti-God than disbelievers in God (though they certainly are both.) You can have a passion against deities and those who believe in them. That makes sense to me. Passion ought to be proactive in some way.

I may just be missing something and atheists have a point. They certainly have every right to believe or disbelieve in what they like, and share that with others. I guess it’s like any religion (non-religion;) I’d rather you mostly keep it to yourself. Don’t hide it or be ashamed, feel free to be open and honest. But if you preach about anything, it’s very likely you have little of consequence to say.

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