Monday, May 16, 2011

5 Things I've thought about...

...that you probably haven't...

1) Polytheistic religions are more tolerant than monotheistic faiths.

When you’ve got a bunch of gods (and even some favorites,) it’s not a huge leap to accept someone else’s gods. There will always be the inevitable “my gods are better than your gods” argument. But it’s not as extreme as saying yours is the only true God and all unbelievers must die!

2) Men and women are equally stupid; we’re just stupid about different things.

People sometimes complain that men only think with their penises. That may be true, but at least our penises never overthink the situation.

3) I overuse ellipses.

Because I like to let it linger…

4) Boxing is not about beating people up.

But roller derby is.

5) Squash is gross because of the rotten texture.

Squash has a soft/mushy and sometimes stringy texture. Think of all the other things you eat, what else has that consistency? That’s right, rotten things. If you have an apple that gets overly soft, you throw it away. If your steak is mushy and stringy before you’re about to put it on the grill, you toss it out. Squash has the consistency of other things that are past due. And that’s what you want to eat? Really?

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