Friday, May 25, 2012

Loving the Ladies

        I think there has been some concern that I don’t love the ladies based on some recent posts.  This is not true, I love the ladies.  When I say “better half” I’m never referring to the guy.  Seriously, I’m way pro the ladies.  Also, I’m not anti-relationships.  I’m a bit iffy on marriage as a principal, but I’m not against any actual marriage.  If it makes you happy, go nuts, I really don’t care.
        The reason I may sound antagonistic towards the ladies is because I’m allowed to be antagonistic to the ladies.  Most people aren’t.  I’ll accept the consequences because they really aren’t that bad.  It’s not like I’m going to have to sleep on the couch.
        Couple things though; I do not believe in true love because it’s asinine and depressing.  In a world of billions you really want to believe in that one perfect person?  What if my one person is in Australia with a hot, hot accent?  That’d be awesome, but I’d probably never meet her.  And what if someone actually cared for me (hypothetically speaking) and I died?  Would I want that person to pine over me for the rest of their existence?  Okay, maybe a little bit.  But a normal person certainly wouldn’t.
        I also think coupling/relationships are all too often treated as a necessity.  Look, I deal with lots of people and for the most part would prefer if ya’ll didn’t breed.  Just saying, it’s not like the preservation of the species is at risk here.
        I do believe in lust at first sight.  I think the proof is all of the Pop music stars of the last couple decades.  Also, being that most of them have been teenage girls, I’m both sad and scared for the future.  Popular culture freaks me out.
        Maybe I go overboard on talking about how women are batshit insane.  But seriously?  Sometimes ya’ll are.  Not all the time.  But all of you, some of the time.  Men are nuts too, but at least I understand that kind of nuts.  I’m not holding insanity against you, I’ve had to walk down the feminine hygiene aisle.  I’m giving ya’ll all the credit in the world for dealing with that fiasco.
        So yeah, never interpret my ramblings as being anti-ladies or anti-relationships or anti-anything.  Except pennies, I hate pennies.  Also, I’m usually drunk, so that should probably be taken into consideration.

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