Friday, May 8, 2009


By now, I'm pretty used to wildfires. I'm the guy that finds out I'm in an evacuation warning area, so I go to bed early because the power's out. *that's true, by the way* So I don't exactly overreact to these things.

But seriously people, why are you wearing dime store dust masks? We're going to be breathing in ash for the next month, just like the six months of last year we breathed it in. It's unavoidable. And no, it's not going to kill you. It sure as shit ain't going to make you live longer either, but most things don't.

Besides, I don't live my life well enough to be overly concerned about gaining extra minutes looking like an idiot.

I hope the extra minute and a half of your life that I'm going to miss out on is worth it.

By the way, you need an actual particulate mask if you actually want to help yourself. The freebie crap ones they pass out should be called placebo masks.

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